Thursday, 17 May 2007

A bit more digging

For the next stage of our explanation take one of the plugins from the /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/plugins directory and jar xvf it to open it up. There is a lot of variation, but in most you will find a plugin.xml (or some variant), the use of the OSGI importing, exporting, etc mechanism in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, and in the plugin.xml you will see the use of Eclipse extensions and extension points. Take the webcontainer plugin for example. I don't want to show this due to various licensing issues, but this shows the use of extension points in for

  • server-components

  • server-startup

  • applicationserver-startup

  • webcontainer-startup

  • mbean-provider

  • These are not extension point types that are normally seen in Eclipse, but define certain behaviours and their related components and classes as used within WAS.

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